Publishing and Manuscript Ethics and Malpractice Statement
<Publishing and manuscript Ethics Bylaws>
Article 1 (Purpose)
The purpose of these bylaws is to present principles for the roles and responsibilities of a researcher who submits a manuscript on his/her research results for publication to conference proceedings and academic journals which are published by the International Promotion Agency of Culture Technology (hereafter referred to as the IPACT) so that integrity of the concerned manuscript can be identified clearly.
Article 2 (Scope of Application)
These bylaws shall be applied to the manuscripts to be submitted to or to be published in the academic journals published by the IPACT and to the manuscripts to be submitted to or to be presented at the academic conferences organized by the IPACT.
Article 3 (Authorship)
1. The author of a manuscript refers to the one who has contributed to the completion of the manuscript by planning and executing the research and analyzing the research results.
2. The corresponding author refers to the one who takes charge of the entire process of submitting the manuscript, and he/she should obtain approval of all co-authors in such matters, such as inclusion of co-authors, submission of the manuscript and revision of the manuscript.
Article 4 (Submission of Manuscript)
1. The manuscript to be submitted to the IPACT's academic journals or academic conferences should include new findings or views, new interpretations of existing studies or developmental understanding of existing studies.
2. The research results in the manuscript to be submitted to the IPACT's academic journals or academic conferences should not be forged, fabricated or distorted.
3. In the case of quoting another person's research results, the source should be identified without exemption.
4. In the case of using figures, tables, sentences or major conclusions from one's own research results already published, they should be identified as quotes without exemption. Also, all related or similar manuscripts in the course of submission, reviewing or publication (including those in other languages) should be identified.
5. Submission to the IPACT's academic journals is allowable in the following cases:
a) It is possible to develop in a meaningful way a manuscript already presented at an academic conference organized by the IPACT or other domestic or international academic societies, for submission to one of the IPACT's academic journals. However, the manuscript already presented at the academic conference should be quoted without fail, and any meaningful development made to the submitted manuscript should be identified. In case of only an abstract was presented at a previous academic conference, submission of the concerned manuscript to one of the IPACT's academic journals is also possible, if this fact should be announced without fail.
b) In the case of submitting a manuscript that includes translations of all or part of a paper by the same authors presented in other language at other journal or other academic conference, ubmission is allowed if there is a noticeable difference between the readers of the other journal and those of the IPACT's academic journal or between the participants of the other academic conference and those of the IPACT's academic conference. However, the paper in other anguage should be an already published one, and also should be quoted or identified at the time of submission. As for translating and using contents of the existing paper, the author should take charge of the process.
Article 5 (Handing of Ethics Violations)
1. In case questions of unethical act such as forgery, falsification, distortion, plagiarism, self-plagiarism, and overlapping submission are raised against the manuscript presented at or published by the IPACT, the vice president in charge of academic affairs shall organize an investigating committee consisting of seven members or less including the editor-in-chief in charge of the concerned paper and the concerned executive director, within two weeks. The vice president in charge of academic affairs shall become the chairman of the investigating committee (hereafter referred to as the Chairman).
2. The Chairman shall send a letter of inquiry on unethical acts (with regard to the concerned manuscript) to all authors of the concerned manuscript, within two weeks from the organization of the investigating committee, and demand them to submit individually a written explanation within two weeks. Upon receiving the letters of explanation, the Chairman shall convene a meeting of the investigating committee to review the explanation by the authors of the concerned manuscript within two weeks. In case unethical acts are recognized at the meeting, the committee shall determine the contents of the unethical acts, and make a decision on disciplinary action by selecting one among "severe reprimand" and "reprimand" and "warning", in accordance with the gravity of the unethical act.
3. The Chairman shall report the investigating committee's judgment and decision on the unethical acts (with regards to the concerned manuscript) to the president of the IPACT, who shall refer the case to the IPACT's board of directors. After the board's voting on the final decision regarding the unethical acts, the president of the IPACT shall take the following steps:
a) Warning - All authors of the concerned manuscript shall be notified of this fact and the already published manuscript shall be invalidated. A warning shall be given so that the authors should take caution in writing manuscripts in the future.
b) Reprimand - All authors of the concerned manuscript shall be notified of this fact and the already published manuscript shall be invalidated. Also, the fact of plagiarism and the resultant deletion shall be posted on the IPACT's website for one month and announced in the concerned journal. Also, all the manuscripts of the authors found guilty of misconduct currently under review by the IPACT or waiting to be published in the IPACT's publications shall be disqualified. In addition, all the authors found guilty of misconduct of the concerned manuscript shall be disqualified in submitting manuscripts to the IPACT for the coming 12 months.
c) Severe Reprimand - This fact shall be notified to all the authors of the concerned manuscript and to the department head of the affiliated institution of the authors found guilty of misconduct as well. Also, the already published manuscript shall be invalidated and the fact of plagiarism and the resultant deletion shall be posted on the IPACTs website for 3 months and announced in the concerned journal. Also, all the manuscripts of the authors found guilty of misconduct currently under review by the IPACT or waiting to be published in the IPACT's publications shall be disqualified. In addition, all the authors found guilty of misconduct of the concerned manuscript shall be disqualified in submitting manuscripts to the IPACT for the coming 36 months.
d) After taking the above steps, the IPACT shall send an official document which notifies of the steps taken on the decided unethical acts regarding the concerned manuscript to the authors of the original manuscript.
Article 6 (Guidelines for Enforcement of Ethics Bylaws)
1. Pledge of Ethics Bylaws- All authors who submit one's manuscript to the IPACT pledge to comply with the ethics bylaws. In particular, when the munascript is submitted, all authors should submit in writing whether to read one's manuscript thoroughly.
2. Conducting Paper Similarity Test(Plagiarism Check) - The paper similarity test should be carried out when submitting a manuscript and the result should be also submitted in writing. When it is scheduled to be published, re-examination of the plagiarism check should be implemented with the result in written form.
3. Ethics Bylaws Training- The IIBC has all members implement ethics bylaws training at least once a year through academic conferences or workshops both on and off-line.
4. Amendment of Ethics Bylaws- The procedures for amending ethical bylaws conform to the process of the revision of the IPACT's rules.
5. Anouncement of Ethics Bylaws- All of the ethics bylaws shall be announced to the members of the IPACT regularly. It shall be announced to the members of the IPACT when necessary and when amended irregularly.
6. The Role of the Editorial Board
a) The editorial board should evaluate the academic standard of author's manuscript regardless of the gender, race, age, regional and educational background, personal connections, etc.
b) The editorial board shall never disclose the information on the submitted manuscript and shall not take advantage of it for his further research.
c) In case of a financial and personal interests between the editorial board and the content of the submitted manuscript, reviewing shall be rejected and other editorial board shall be selected to proceed with the reviewing procedure.
Supplementary Provisions
1. These bylaws shall be applied starting from January 1, 2013.
2. Matters not stipulated in these bylaws shall be determined by deliberation and decision by the editorial board.
1.Publisher monitors and safeguards publishing ethics.
2.Publisher communicates journal policies.
3.Publisher respects privacy of all parties involved.
4.Publisher fosters editorial independence.
5.Publisher maintains the integrity of the academic record.
6.Publisher protects intellectual property and copyrights.
7.Publisher publishes corrections, clarifications, and retractions.
8.Publisher constantly improves the quality of the journal.
Article withdraw policy
It is a general principle of scholarly communication that the editor/guest editor of a learned journal/series is solely and independently responsible for deciding which articles submitted to the journal shall be published. In making this decision the editor/guest editor is guided by policies of the journal's editorial board and constrained by such legal requirements in force regarding libel, copyright infringement and plagiarism. An outcome of this principle is the importance of the scholarly archive as a permanent, historic record of the transactions of scholarship. Articles that have been published shall remain extant, exact and unaltered as far as is possible. However, very occasionally circumstances may arise where an article is published that must later be retracted or even removed. Such actions must not be undertaken lightly and can only occur under exceptional circumstances, such as:
Article Withdrawal:
Only used for Articles in Press which represent early versions of articles and sometimes contain errors, or may have been accidentally submitted twice. Occasionally, but less frequently, the articles may represent infringements of professional ethical codes, such as multiple submission, bogus claims of authorship, plagiarism, fraudulent use of data or the like.
Article Retraction:
Infringements of professional ethical codes, such as multiple submission, bogus claims of authorship, plagiarism, fraudulent use of data or the like. Occasionally a retraction will be used to correct errors in submission or publication.
Article Removal:
Legal limitations upon the publisher, copyright holder or author(s).
Article Replacement:
Identification of false or inaccurate data that, if acted upon, would pose a serious health risk.